This week in the Nursery Room
This week ‘Our Senses’ topic of learning has continued to evolve throughout the week. In continuation of last week’s learning experiences our little learners continued their discovery and exploration through various forms of Creative Arts exploring their senses through music, dance, craft and more.
Our little learners began the week engaging in car painting where they were able to create and observe patterns and shapes on their paper (8/8). Children continued exploring colours developing their social skills throughout their task as they took turns, sharing and engaged in small group learning opportunities. Other forms of painting the Honeypots engaged in this week included fork painting (9/8) where they used everyday tools to engage in a different kind of creative expression. Cling wrap painting on (11/8) also gave children the opportunity to explore colours and their touch senses through this messy play learning opportunity. Through new playdough learning opportunities children were able to continue to build on their emerging fine motor muscles demonstrating how their hands roll, squeeze, flatten the play dough (12/8).
This week the honeypots explored their ‘sight’ senses sitting in a dark room and learnt about lights and shadows in a dark room (10/8). The honeypots used the shapes and lights and visually observed how lights created different shapes.
Furthermore, the honeypots explored their senses and developed their fine and gross motor movement skills through a dance experience exploring ‘The Tofa Tafa’ children’s action song (12/8). The children listened to the music and followed the actions based on the music that they could hear and expressed their creativity.
What the Honeypots have learnt this week?
This week our interest evolved as children learnt through their sight senses exploring scientific concepts and using items that contribute to pattern making. Furthermore, through their experiences they continued discovering and exploring their touch, sight and hear senses throughout the duration of the week. Children experimented with shapes leading to an increasing curiosity in the scientific concept of light reflection through their shadow and light activity where children had the opportunity to see shapes and colours reflecting on the wall during this experience.
Creative Arts experiences provided this week allowed the children to further develop their creativity and imaginative minds as they explored various kinds of art as part of their learning journey. Through each lesson educators are also using various forms of teaching strategies to visually demonstrate to children the task they will be undertaking. Educators use visual guidance and assist the children by modelling and providing opportunities for intentional teaching moments.
Benefits of sensory play the honeypots continue they learn as they progress through their current interest:
Sensory play enables children to investigate materials through using each of their senses – touch, sight, hear, smell and taste.
Sensory play enables children to begin to classify objects using different textures which is an overall important part of learning. Through these experiences children are developing their cognitive problem solving and decision-making skills. The children are also beginning to learn and explore through mathematical concepts. Hand/eye coordination and small muscles movements are emerging and continue to grow as they explore new learning experiences.
Next week (week beginning 15th August) the Honeypots will continue exploring different forms of Creative expression through:
* On Monday 15th our Honeypots will be exploring colours of the Indian flag – orange, white and green, to celebrate India’s Independence Day special event.
* To continue exploring their ‘feeling’ senses they will engage in a Sensory play dough experience exploring colours of the Indian flag.
* Stamp prints and sponge prints painting experiences
* Exploring our hearing senses and continue to learn through the Creative Arts form of music and dance.
Link to Early Years Learning Framework
1.3: EYLF - Children develop knowledgeable and confident self-identities
3.1: EYLF - Children become strong in their social and emotional wellbeing
5.1: EYLF - Children interact verbally and non-verbally with others for a range of purposes
5.3: EYLF - Children express ideas and make meaning using a range of media
Link to National Quality Standards
1.1.3 – All aspects of the program, including routines, are organised in ways that maximise opportunities for each child’s learning.
3.2.1 – Outdoor and indoor spaces are organised and adapted to support every child's participation and to engage every child in quality experiences in built and natural environments.
Further reading and links for families
15 sensory play activities for kids
No Cook Play Dough Recipe
The Tofa Tafa Song
100+ DIY Craft Ideas for India Independence Day & Republic Day